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Sauvages Des Montagnes-Bleues [Aboriginal men and women of Port Jackson, Nepean & Springwood]

Pellion, Alphonse1819 - 1822
A reproduction of an engraving by Alphonse Pellion, who journeyed through the Nepean and Blue Mountains district in 1819. These drawings are possibly of Aboriginal men and women Pellion encountered at the Regentville property of Sir John Jamison and at Springwood. Stated at the bottom: 1,2: Sauvages des bords de la Nepean; 3 Aurang - Jack chef de Spring-Wood 4,5: Ses deux femmes.
The image appeared in Sauvages Des Montagnes-Bleues from Louis de Freycinet - Voyage autour du monde, Paris, c. 1822.
This group portrait of five Indigenous people from the Blue Mountains region is an illustration from the official account of de Freycinet’s 1817-1820 expedition, Voyage autour du monde, published in Paris in 1822.
Sauvages Des Montagnes-Bleues [Aboriginal men and women of Port Jackson, Nepean & Springwood]
Date of work:
1819 - 1822
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Item from Collection: Photographs
Type of materials:
Graphic materials
Custodial history:
Another original can be viewed at the National Portrait Gallery
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