The Recent Patriotic Concert
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At a meeting in connection with the recent Patriotic concert held at Fulton's Australian Arms Hotel on Tuesday night, Mr D Fitch proposed a vote of thanks to Elise Thorncroft whose initiative and assiduous endeavours ensured the sccuess of the concert. Mr Fitch's remarks were supplemented by speeches from Messrs A E Baker, L T Price, and R Mills. We inadvertently omitted to mention the donation of sweers by Mesdames Seach, Smith and Frew. Article contributed by Mrs Cecil Fulton.
Nepean Times 26 September 1914 page 6 column 4
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 26 September 1914 page 6, column 4
Patriotic Concert - Benefit Concerts C Horstmann J R Greaves
Nepean Times (Microfilm)