Beyond the Veil - Margaret Eliza Tipping
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A report of the illness and death of Miss Margaret (Maggie) Eliza Tipping, the 21 year old daughter of Mrs Tipping and the late John Tipping, (loco inspector NSW Govt Railways), at Mrs Tipping's residence, Everton, Lemongrove. Maggie was educated at Miss Newton's College, and did her teacher credit, specialising in oil painting and music. She also took a keen interest in St Stephen's Church and Sunday School, and was interested in the ladies' cricket club. She was a memeber of the female branch of Druids Silver Oak Society. She took ill 18 months ago, with sugar diabetes, and gradually failed. The last rites of the Druids were read at her funeral.
Nepean Times 7 November 1908 page3
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 7 November 1908, page3
Deaths - Maggie Tipping - John Tipping - Music Teachers - Dr Elworthy - Pride of Forst Druids - St Stephen's Church
Nepean Times (Microfilm)