Penrith Council
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An adjourned ordinary meeting of Council. Correspondence: Castlereagh Council re boundary repairs; from J R Mitchell asking for repairs; from H J Neale for a fowlhouse at Hornseywood; from solicitor for Griffith re table drains in Dent Street Jamisontown; from S Jay, CPS, re date for hearing of appeals against valuations. From R T Jane re an entrance; from Dr J Shandre damp course and footpath; from C Brownlow re table drains; from C J Fowler re awning in Station St - refused. From A W Pearce of Tooheys asking for rate remission because of footpath work done - Council does not have power. From Public Worsk re post office drainage and Railway Commissioner re Council drains to keep storm water off railway land.
Nepean Times 20 April 1912 page 8
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 20 April 1912, page 8
Penrith Council Minutes - Penrith Municipal Council - Ald Jones - Ald Eaton - Ald Walker - Clissold - Ald Lance - Ald Huxley - Ald Judges - Ald Hand - Ald Vine - Town Clerk Orth - Clerk of Works Heyward - Penrith Council 1912
Nepean Times (Microfilm)