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A successful and happy anniversary was held in connection with the Methodist Sunday School.Nurse Clara Morehead was given an enthusiastic farewell, before she sails to the Front.Councillor Adams has moved to Penrith. Private Reg Adams has returned from the Front, and has been given an enthusiastic welcome home.
Nepean Times 17 November 1917 page 3 col 4
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 17 November 1917 page 3 col 4
anniversaries - Methodist Sunday School - E Willmington - H Whiteman - Hector Wakeling - Duncan - Bray - Reverend Clark Kennedy - Nurse Clara Morehead - J Adams - J Morehead - Woodhouse - Peck - Private Reg Adams - Armed Services - World War One
Nepean Times (Microfilm)