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Thumbnail for Certificate of title : relating to lots 1-10, section 13 Emu [Plains] in the Parish of Strathdon and County of Cook owned by Robert Jenkins then Joseph Jenkins (son) and later resumed by the New South Wales Railways

Certificate of title : relating to lots 1-10, section 13 Emu [Plains] in the Parish of Strathdon and County of Cook owned by Robert Jenkins then Joseph Jenkins (son) and later resumed by the New South Wales Railways

Land at Emu Plains purchased by Robert Jenkins in 1863 and subsequently purchased by his son Joseph Jenkins and resumed by the railways in 1913.
Land title : 30 September 1863.
Research Room, Special Collections, Land Records LR 392.
7 pages : original documents [copies]; coll., maps; diagrams.
Includes: Document dated 30 Sept 1863 - Robert Jenkins purchased at auction all 10 lots in section 13 - transferred and dated 9 Nov 1864 - this is the title for lot 1 which measures 1 rood, 25 and 3/4 perches - every lot varies in area - each lot has a separate title - 3 pounds 10 shillings paid for each lot - bound by Emu Street and Bedford Street - document two dated 1892 - Parish of Strathdon map showing single railway track forming the NW boundary of Robert Jenkins original purchase of section 13 in 1892 - Robert's son Joseph purchased his father's land from the executors of his father's will - document three dated 1898 - Parish of Strathdon map showing dual railway track cutting through lots 1 and 2 of Robert Jenkins' land - duplication of the track was completed in 1886 - document four dated 3 July 1913 - certificate of title vol 2380 folio 38 - Joseph Jenkins transfer of lots 1-10 in section 13 to the railways -the land had been resumed by the railways in 1911 - document five has a map indicating Robert Jenkins land - lots 1-10 in section 13 showing Walkers Crescent cutting through lots 5-10.
Access restrictions:
Document available upon request from Research Room staff.
Locn of orig/dups:
Land Records LR 392.
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