Adam and Eve
Naslund, Sena Jeter2012
Books, Manuscripts
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Hours before his untimely - and highly suspicious - death, astrophysicist Thom Bergmann shares his discovery of extraterrestrial life with his wife, Lucy. He leaves her his computer flash drive, which holds the keys to his secret work.
Adam and Eve / Sena Jeter Naslund
New York William Morrow 2012
339 p.
When the piano falls -- 2020: the gathering of the dust -- A life in Ramallah -- Passage to Egypt -- Igtiyal! -- The dragon's neck -- A life in San Antonio -- Airplane! -- In the garden -- For the beauty of the earth -- A life in West Jerusalem -- Gethsemane -- Mesopotamia -- Lucy as Eve -- Pierre Saad -- Recovery -- Parachute -- Arielle -- Rescue -- Intimacy -- Gabriel Plum -- the American patient -- The Incubus -- Life of a Sufi -- The road to Baghdad -- The odor of lemons -- The French quartet -- Love and art -- Adam's dreams -- within the earth -- a path, a stair -- Boustrophedon -- How to read a sacred text -- The chase: Lucy -- The chase: Adam -- The chase: Arielle -- Adam's Heel -- Epilogue:2021 - Olduvai Gorge and Serengeti Plain
9780061579271 (hbk)