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Justice of the Peace

All JP appointments must be booked via Eventbrite.

Volunteer Justices of the Peace (JPs) are available during selected times at Penrith, St Marys and St Clair.

If there are other people waiting, the JP will certify a maximum of 10 documents at any one time.

Please visit the JP website by clicking here to access alternate services.

Penrith City Library

Tuesday 9.30am - 11.30am
Wednesday 5.30pm - 7.30pm 
Thursday 3.30pm - 5.30pm 
Friday 11am - 2:30pm

St Marys Library

Thursday 2.30pm - 4.30pm

St Clair Library

Monday 2pm - 4pm 
Thursday 2pm - 4pm

Please note: Dates and times are subject to change. Please see our Eventbrite page to book your JP appointment. 

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