14-16 Lee Holm Road, St Marys
Hughes, NathanaelAugust 2006 - Contemporary
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In 1941 4,500 acres of land, north of the railway line at St Marys was used by the Federal government as a munitions filling factory consisting of 850 buildings and seventeen miles of railway. This warehouse was one of the buildings from that time period. Following World War 2 buildings such as this one were leased or sold to private industry as part of the Dunheved Industrial Estate. Detail of piers and joists under the eastern side of the building.
14-16 Lee Holm Road, St Marys
Date of work:
August 2006 - Contemporary
Reference number:
Level of description:
Item from Collection: Photographs
Type of materials:
Graphic materials
Part of:
Series: General Photographic Collection
Custodial history:
Reproduced from Archival photographic recording of ex Munitions warehouse 14-16 Lee Holm Road St, St Marys.
Use restrictions:
Copyright held by Penrith City Library
Record types:
Record number: