Winbourne, Mulgoa - The Missing Page
UnknownJune, 2009
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Total copies: 1
Visitors to Winbourne are routinely introduced to the history of the place, and some of its significant buildings and features. In the cottage, there are two large sheets summarising aspects of this history. An Aboriginal visitor once commented, "There's a page missing here - the first page." This was an offer towards the first page which needed the active participation of Aboriginal people. The four different categories which divided into four eras are:The hunting-gathering times (40,000 BP - 1788), The contact era (1788 - 1900), The time of overlapping cultures (1900 - 1960s), The dawn of Reconciliation (1970s - today).
Features further information on: Winbourne - Mulgoa Valley - Mulgoa Creek - Cumberland Plain - Aboriginal people - Mulgowi - Darug - Mountain Tribe - Kohen - Aborigines artifacts - Murray - Indigenous people
Winbourne, Mulgoa - The Missing Page
June, 2009
01 Jan 2009 - 31 Dec 2009
Research Room - Local Files - Aborigines - 35
Item from Collection: Vertical Files (Vertical Files) June 2009, pp. 1-9
Article, June 2009. 9 pages
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Total copies: 1