Agnes Banks : local hydraulics specification study Appendix C
Department of Land and Water Conservation (NSW)2003
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This report primarily examines the local hydraulic specifications associated with the proposed flood evacuation route that skirts the village of Agnes Banks via The Driftway, Jockbet Road, Wilshire Road and Brooks Lane.
New South Wales : Bewsher Consulting Pty Ltd, February 2003.
The cover of this appendix identifies the client as the Department of Land and Water Conservation. It is noted that the Department became the Department of Sustainable Natural Resources on 2 April 2002 which was well after the finalisation of this particular Appendix but was prior to the finalisation of the summary Main Report.
IntroductionStudy area drainageHydrologic modellingWork optionsRecommended worksReferencesAppendices
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Research | Local Book | 627.042 AGN | Not for loan (Set: 04 Aug 2023) |