Western Sydney Aerotropolis : Summary of key planning documents
New South Wales. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Books, Manuscripts
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This Planning Partnership provides co-ordinated state and local government framework for outcomes for western Sydney planning.This document provides a comprehensive summary of the key documents for the next phase of planning for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
Western Sydney Aerotropolis : Summary of key planning documents / NSW. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Parramatta : NSW. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, December 2019.
26 pages : charts, maps.
See also Western Sydney Aerotropolis discussion paper on the proposed State Environmental Planning Policy (draft).See also Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2019 - phase 1.
Introduction -- Timeline --The planning documents on exhibition -- The areotropolis structure plan -- The proposed land zones -- The precincts -- Initial precincts -- Northern gateway -- Wianamatta-South Creek precinct -- Badgery's Creek precinct -- Mamre road precinct -- Agribusiness precinct -- Managing flood zones -- Land acquisition -- Next steps -- How you can provide feedback.
Western City & Aerotropolis Authority (N.S.W.)Air transportation -- Public administrationAirports -- New South Wales -- Western Sydney -- PlanningCity planning -- New South Wales -- Western SydneyEnvironmental heritage -- Western Sydney Region (N.S.W.)Flood-plainsRisk management -- New South Wales -- Western SydneyWestern Sydney Airport (NSW)Western Sydney City DealBadgerys Creek Airport (NSW)
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 354.7909 WES | Not for loan (Set: 15 May 2020) |