All that piece or parcel land... 1837-2001 : the Anglican Church of St. Stephen the Martyr Penrith N.S. W
St. Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church ArchivesUUUU
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This booklet presents the endeavours of the parish of St. Stephen's as it looked to aquire such land and the use that has since been made of these sites.
Main title:
All that piece or parcel land... 1837-2001 : the Anglican Church of St. Stephen the Martyr Penrith N.S. W / by St Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church Archives
Penrith NSW St. Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church
78 pages
St. Stephen's site - The cemetery - Henry street - Lemongrove - The Glebe - Proposed use of Capital Funds - St. Stephen's retirement village - Kingswood - Jamisontown - Cambridge Park - South Penrith - Lots 1 & 2 High street - Lots 16 &17 Tindale street - 250 High street - 8 Fulton street - 28 Sunset avenue - Conclusion
Dewey class:
283.9441 ALL
Local class:
St Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church (Penrith, NSW). The GlebeSt Stephen's Retirement Village (Penrith, NSW)Land grants -- Penrith Region (NSW)Penrith Golf and Recreation Club (NSW) -- HistoryParish of Penrith (NSW) -- HistoryAnglican Church of Australia -- Glenmore Park (NSW)Anglican Church of Australia -- Cambridge Park (NSW)Anglican Church of Australia -- Jamisontown (NSW)Parsonages -- Penrith (NSW) -- HistorySt Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church (Penrith, NSW)Lemongrove (NSW) -- HistorySt Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church (Penrith, NSW) -- Land tenure
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 283.9441 ALL | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |