Sydney west airport sub-region strategic plan : Stage 1 investigations: Final report
Airport Task Force (N.S.W.)1995
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Consolidates investigations and studies into a Strategic Plan for the Sydney West Airport sub-region
Sydney west airport sub-region strategic plan : Stage 1 investigations: Final report / by Task Force on Planning the Sub-region Surrounding Sydney West Airport
Sydney Task Force on Planning the Sub-region Surrounding Sydney West Airport July 1995
Introduction and Background to the study - Study Aims and Objectives - Purpose of this Report - Report Structure - Study Method - Introduction - Constraints and Opportunities - Preliminary Strategic Planning Scenarios - Baseline Studies-Study Area Attributes - Regional Context - Study Area Attributes - Interface Studies Relevant to Planning for the Sydney West Airport Sub-region - South Creek Valley Regional Environmental Study - Metropolitan Strategies for Sydney - Transport Infrastructure - Second Sydney Airport Site Selection Programme Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Metropolitan Air Quality Study - Studies into Accelerating Airport Development - Preliminary Findings on Constraints and Opportunities, and Strategic Considerations - Identified Constraints and Opportunities and Strategic Considerations - Transportation and Urban Form - Local Strategic Policy Statements - Economic Development and Employment - Preliminary Strategic Planning Framework - Strategic Development Framework - Public transportation Options - Description of the Strategic Planning Options Derived for the Sub-region - Extent of Urban Development - Population Scenarios - Evaluation of the Strategic Planning options for the SWA Sub-region against Metropolitan Strategy Objectives - Preliminary Environmental Management Framework - The Next Steps - Appendices
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 387.736 SYD | Not for loan (Set: 10 Jun 2016) |