Linking restoration and ecological succession
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Recognizes the critical roles of disturbance ecology, landscape ecology, ecological assembly, invasion biology, ecosystem health, and historical ecology in ecosystem restoration.
Linking restoration and ecological succession / edited by Lawrence R. Walker, Joe Walker and Richard J. Hobbs.
New York : Springer, 2007.
190 pages : illustrations.
Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Trust collection.Sydney Catchment Authority collection.
Forging a new alliance between succession and restoration - Insights gained from succession for the restoration of landscape structure and function - Aboveground-belowground linkages, ecosystem development, and ecosystem restoration - Retrogressive succession and restoration on old landscapes - Succession and restoration of drained fens: perspectives from northwestern Europe - Manipulation of succession - Restoration as a process of assembly and succession mediated by disturbance - Integrating restoration and succession