MANS Study : Airport planning report
MANS Committee (Australia). Airport Planning Consultative Group1978
Books, Manuscripts
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Provides technical advice on airport sites and layouts for a second Sydney airport (SSA); airport layouts for Kingsford Smith airport (KSA); and cost data for each option including airport construction, airport use and Defence facilities relocation costs.
MANS Study : Airport planning report / by Airport Planning Consultative Group of the MANS Committee
Sydney MANS Committee October 1978
202 pages maps
Second Sydney airportSydney (Kingsford Smith) airportCostsDesign aircraft for Second Sydney airportForecasts of Sydney airport(s) employmentPossible costs of relocation of Munition Filling at St MarysArmy costs: Relocation from Holsworthy
Civil aviation -- Sydney (N.S.W.)Airports -- PlanningKingsford Smith Airport (Mascot, Sydney, NSW) -- PlanningAirports -- Sydney (N.S.W.) -- Economic aspectsAirports -- Sydney (N.S.W.) -- PlanningAirports -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- PlanningAirports -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- Environmental aspectsAirports -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- Planning -- MapsAirports -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- Flight paths -- PlanningMajor Airport Needs of Sydney (MANS) Study (NSW)Airports -- Second Sydney Airport -- Planning
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Tech Book | 387.736 MAN | Available |