Facets of living standards
Weston, Ruth E.1995
Books, Manuscripts
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This project is designed to assess the eggectiveness with which innovative community based services could improve the living standards of people on low incomes.
Facets of living standards / by Ruth Weston
Canberra Aust. Govt. Pub. Service 1995
195 p.
Socio-demographic characteristics and related perceptions of income type groups - Income type groups - Socio-demographic trends - Subjective indicators of financial/material wellbeingMeasurement of living standards spheres - Measures used - Underlying dimensions of living standards spheres - Technical details - Underlying dimension or factorsNon-cash income and reduced costs - Housing - Work-related fringe benefits - DSS concession cards - Bulk billing at basic medical service - Emergency help received - Interaction of measures for non-cash income/reduced costs sphere - ShoppingAccess to information - Information access as reflected in ESB.NESB status and education level - Personal access to telephone, television and newspapers - Satisfaction with access to public libraries and telephones - Importance of local information and support services - The Commonwealth Employment Service: a case studySocial participation - Sociability and neighbourhood involvement - Family contact and support - Opportunities for social participation through leisure activitiesFamily relationships and personal wellbeing
361.994 FAC
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Tech Book | 361.994 FAC | Available |