Monitoring optical water quality of the Hawkesbury River using airborne remote sensing
Smith, Jan1994
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A set of processing techniques, which had been developed to detect, identify and quantitatively map algal populations and other optical water quality parameters, were tested on the Hawkesbury River using CASI airborne spectrometer data. Estimates of turbidity, chlorophyll and ancillary pigments were obtained, which allowed areas where a mild 'bloom' of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) was occurring to be clearly distinguished and mapped.
Monitoring optical water quality of the Hawkesbury River using airborne remote sensing / by David L B Jupp, Guy Byrne, Elizabeth McDonald, Janet Anstee, Graham Harris and Jan Smith
Canberra ACT : CSIRO, April 1994
Consultancy report ; 94/7
Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Trust collection.
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Tech Book | 333.7845 MON | Available |