The conservation value of regrowth native plant communities : A review: Final report: A report prepared for the New South Wales Scientific Committee
Doherty, Michael1998
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A literature review was undertaken on the conservation value of regrowth native vegetation, focussing on New South Wales but also reviewing relevant literature from other regions of Australia and overseas.
Canberra CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology December 1998
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Conseptual framework: Succession, disturbance and 'natural' vegetation - Methods - Results - Regrowth after clearing and thinning - Regrowth after fire - Regrowth after fire - Regrowth after cessation of grazing - Regrowth after logging - Regrowth after mining - Fragmentation effects - Conservation value of regrowth: synthesis of available information - Importance of regrowth areas to the maintenance of biodiversity - Time scale of restoration via regrowth - Mechanisms of persistance and recovery after disturbance
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