Fernhill Estate : Conservation management plan
JPA&D Australia
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This study covers the site of Fernhill Estate, Mulgoa. The property is located at 1041 Mulgoa Road, Mulgoa NSW and is described as Lot 20 DP 541825, Lot 10 DP 615085 and Lot 11 DP 615085. It is within the Penrith Local Government Area and is currently owned by NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment. The Fernhill Estate has historical, associative, aesthetic, research and representative significance and rarity values at a state level. Fernhill has social significance at a Local level.
Fernhill Estate : Conservation management plan / prepared for NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment by JPA&D Australia
Ultimo, NSW : JPA&D Australia, October 2019
242 pages : illustrations, photographs, maps
Partial contents: Executive summary -- Introduction -- Documentary evidence -- Physical evidence -- Assessment of cultural significance -- Constraints and opportunities -- Development of conservation policy -- Conservation policies and guidelines -- Implementing the plan -- References -- Appendices
Cox family (Mulgoa, NSW, history)Fernhill (House, Mulgoa, NSW)Housing development -- Fernhill Estate (Mulgoa, NSW) -- Environmental aspectsFernhill (House, Mulgoa, NSW) -- ConservationFernhill Estate (Mulgoa, NSW) -- MapsFernhill Estate (Mulgoa, NSW) -- PlanningFernhill Estate (Mulgoa, NSW) -- HistoryMulgoa (NSW) -- History
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 728.8 FER | Not for loan (Set: 18 Mar 2020) |