Draft development application : Glenmore Park precinct 1c, 2 & 3 subdivisions for the creation of 244 residential allotments : Statement of environmental effects and supporting documentation
Masterplan Consultants Pty Ltd1990
Books, Manuscripts
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St Leonards : NSW : Masterplan Consultants, Mar 1990.
1. Introduction/Background2. Site details3. Proposed subdivision4. Key issues5. Draft development control plan - School House Creek catchment6. Statement of environmental effects7. SummaryAppendix 1: Social planning reportAppendix 2: Mulgoa Nature ReserveAppendix 3: Interim open space planAppendix 4: Interim section 94 budgetAppendix 5: Landscape report
Housing development -- Glenmore Park (NSW)Open spaces in storm-water drainage (Engineering) -- Glenmore Park (NSW)Housing development -- Glenmore Park (NSW) -- Environmental aspectsCommunity services -- Glenmore Park (NSW) -- PlanningSocial planning -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.)Social planning -- Mulgoa (NSW)Mulgoa Nature Reserve (NSW)Community development -- Glenmore Park (NSW)Penrith (N.S.W.). Council -- Development control planGlenmore Park (NSW) -- Development control planGlenmore Park (NSW) -- Maps
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 711.58 GLE | Not for loan (Set: 24 Nov 2011) |
Research | Local Book | 711.58 GLE | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |