New South Wales State of the Environment 2000
Books, Manuscripts
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Main report + 5 supplementary background reports on Biodiversity, Water, Human settlement, Land and Atmosphere providing information on the condition of our environment and how effective our efforts are to protect and enhance it.
New South Wales State of the Environment 2000 / by NSW EPA (Environment Protection Authority)
Sydney EPA 2000
6 vols in slipcase colour illustrations maps
Towards environmental sustainability - Human settlement - NSW population and settlement patterns - Drinking water quality - Energy - Transport - Waste management - Atmosphere - Stratospheric ozone depletion - The greenhouse effect - Metropolitan air quality - Land - Land-use changes - Soil erosion - Induced soil salinity (including sodic soils) - Induced soil acidity (including acid sulfate soils) - Chemical contamination - Water - Ecosystem health - Freshwater reverine ecosystem health - Flows - Surface water extraction - Groundwater extraction - Water quality - Surface water quality - Marine & estuarine water quality - Groundwater quality - Point-source discharges - Diffuse-source pollution - Algal blooms - Major marine & estuarine pollution incidents - Sediment contamination - Biodiversity - Biodiversity reporting in NSW - Terrestrial biodiversity - Native vegetation in NSW - Terrestrial species diversity - Introduced terrestrial species - Fire - Aquatic biodiversity - Aquatic ecosystems - Aquatic species diversity - Introduced aquatic species - Aquatic harvesting
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