Regional plan for Sydney
Regional Development Australia-Sydney Inc2011
Books, Manuscripts
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Regional development Australia-Sydney brings together people and information to promote collaborative decision making for the sustainable and just economic development of Sydney, with a focus on employment growth.
Regional plan for Sydney / by Regional Development Australia-Sydney Inc
Sydney Regional Development Australia-Sydney Inc August 2011
114 p. colour illustrations colour maps
Geographic profile - Sydney social and demographic profile - Economic profile - Health profile - Significant regional profile - Strategic framework - Mission statement and goals - Summary of key regional issues and priorities - Government strategic context
Regional planning -- New South Wales -- Sydney Metropolitan Area (NSW)Regional planning -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.)Transport -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- PlanningUrban transport -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- PlanningEmployment -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- PlanningRegional planning -- Sydney Region (NSW) -- Environmental aspectsRegional planning -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- Economic aspects