Integrating land use and transport : employment and journey to work patterns in the Greater Metropolitan Region: an analysis of the 1996 Census data
New South Wales. Department of Urban Affairs and Planning2001
Books, Manuscripts
Integrating land use and transport : employment and journey to work patterns in the Greater Metropolitan Region: an analysis of the 1996 Census data / by Dept of Urban Affairs and Planning
Sydney Dept. of Urban Affairs and Planning 2001
56 p illustrations maps
Employment -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- StatisticsEmployment -- Wollongong Region (NSW) -- StatisticsTransport -- Wollongong Region (NSW) -- StatisticsEcologically sustainable development -- New South WalesUrban transport -- New South Wales -- Social aspectsTransport -- Newcastle region (NSW) -- StatisticsUrban transport -- New South Wales -- PlanningUrban transport -- New South Wales -- Environmental aspectsUrban transport -- New South Wales -- Government policyEmployment -- Newcastle region (NSW) -- Statistics