Ropes Creek corridor : Plan of management: Final report
Manidis Roberts ConsultantsUUUU
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The objectives of this study are to provide a framework for the protection of the existing bushland corridor, develop community involvement, develop an open space corridor and suggest a range of active and passive recreational opportunities.
Ropes Creek corridor : Plan of management: Final report / by Manidis Roberts Consultants for NSW National Parks and Wildlife and Penrith City Council
Surry Hills NSW Manidis Roberts Consultants
60 pages maps
Management strategy - Introduction - Study area location - Scope of this plan - Objectives of the management plan - Description of existing situation - Background - Biology - Drainage and water quality - Recreation use - Landscape setting - Administration and infrastructure management - Educational community liaison - Management issues and policy formation - Bushland resource - Drainage and water quality - Recreation use - Landscape setting - Administration and infrastructure management - Adjoining land uses - Educational, community liaison and participation - Action strategy - Landscape concept plan - References - Appendices - Department of Environment and Planning (1986)-Plan of management for Ropes Creek corridor - Penrith City Council remnant bushland study-Site inventories (DUN8, DUN9) - Preliminary plant list from Ropes Creek
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 333.7 ROP | Not for loan (Set: 23 Jun 2017) |