St Marys - Port Kembla Rail Link : Feasibility study
Kinhill Engineers Pty. Ltd1995
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The study was undertaken by a team of economists, environmental planners and engineers working under the guidance of a Management Committee.
St Marys - Port Kembla Rail Link : Feasibility study / by Kinhill Engineers Pty. Ltd and St Marys-Port Kembla Feasibility Study Management Committee
Sydney NSW Kinhill Engineers Pty. Ltd. April 1995
various pagination maps
Objectives of the proposed rail link - Strategic Planning context - Port Kembla - Existing port facilities - Existing trade pattern - Existing freight traffic - Future trade pattern - Practicable routes - St Marys to badgerys Creek airport - Badgerys Creek airport - Badgerys Creek airport to Glenfield - Badgerys Creek airport to Glenlee - Maldon-Dombarton Railway - Potential and forecast passenger and freight traffic - Discussion - Evaluative framework - Cost-benefit analyses - Costruction costs - Freight traffic - Total operating costs and savings - Residual value - Appendix A: Bibliography - Appendix 2: Sydney urban travel mode structure - Appendix C: Assumptions for estimating freight flows - Appendix D: Detailed tables - Appendix E: NSW Chamber of Manufactures Report, July 1994 - Appendix F: National Institute of Economic and Industry Research Report, May 1994
385.2 STM
RAIL FREIGHT TRANSPORTRail services -- Western Sydney Region (N.S.W.)Rail services -- Western Sydney Region (N.S.W.) -- PlanningRail freight transport -- New South Wales -- PlanningRail freight transport services -- New South Wales -- Economic aspectsRailways -- Sydney (N.S.W.) -- PlanningRailways -- Sydney Region (NSW) -- ConstructionRail services -- Sydney Region (N.S.W.)Railways -- Australia -- ConstructionTransport -- Sydney Region (NSW) -- St Marys-Port Kembla Rail Link
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 385.2 STM | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |