Risk assessment : Ecological and human health risk assessment of chemicals in sewage treatment plant discharges to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system / Ecological and human health risk assessment of chemicals in sewage treatment plant discharges to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system
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The objective of the risk assessment is to characterise the likelihood of harm to humans, aquatic biota and wildlife from chemicals that occur in sewage effluent discharges to inland and ocean waterways.
Risk assessment : Ecological and human health risk assessment of chemicals in sewage treatment plant discharges to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system / Ecological and human health risk assessment of chemicals in sewage treatment plant discharges to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system / by AWT EnSight and Parametrix inc.
Sydney NSW: Sydney Water Corporation, Waste Water Systems Planning, July 1996.
2 (of 3) volumes : illustrations, maps ; 30 cm.
ISBN 0731094549 (three volume set)
Description of Sewerage Treatment Plants (STPs) operating within the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system - Additional sources of chemicals to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River - Data used in the risk assessment - Environmental concentrations used in the risk assessment - Quality assurance/quality control - Aquatic life risk assessment for receiving waters - Sediment assessment - Human health risk assessment - Wildlife risk assessment - Appendices in separate volume
Sewage disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. -- New South Wales -- Hawkesbury RiverSewage disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. -- New South Wales -- Nepean RiverRivers -- New South Wales -- Environmental aspectsWater -- Pollution -- Environmental aspects -- New South Wales -- Hawkesbury RiverWater -- Pollution -- Environmental aspects -- New South Wales -- Nepean RiverHawkesbury River (N.S.W.)Nepean River (N.S.W.)
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Research | Local Book | 333.7845 RIS | Not for loan (Set: 15 May 2018) |
Research | Local Book | 333.7845 RIS | AppendicesNot for loan (Set: 15 May 2018) |