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Thumbnail for St Marys Commuter Carpark Harris St St Marys NSW : Baseline historical and preliminary Aboriginal archaeological assessment & statement of heritage impact

St Marys Commuter Carpark Harris St St Marys NSW : Baseline historical and preliminary Aboriginal archaeological assessment & statement of heritage impact

Carney, Martin
Books, Manuscripts
Archaeological Management and Consulting Group Pty Ltd, November 2009.
111 pages : photographs, map, plans, appendices.
Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation (TIDC) proposes to construct a multi-storey carpark at St Marys railway. KMC Environmental on behalf of TIDC have commission Archaeological Management and Consulting Group to carry out a Heritage and Archaeological assessment to Impact for this location at street address 36-38 Harris Street St Marys.St Marys Commuter Carpark Harris St St Marys NSW - Final Archaeological Report.Bibliography: pages 89-90.
Introduction -- Scope -- Extract from brief -- Listings and registers -- Legislative framework -- Relevant studies -- Acknowlegements --Documentary evidence -- Aboriginal inhabinants of South Creek -- St Mary's -- Study locality; Harris Street St Marys -- Aboriginal records -- Introduction -- archaeological context -- Physical evidence -- Site inspection -- Bore test monitoring -- Development proposal impacts -- Assessment of significance -- Methodology -historical archaeology -- Identification of significance - historical archaeology -- Preliminary statement of cultural significance (Heritage Act 1977) -- Idenification of significance- Aboriginal -- Preliminary statement of cultural significance (NPWS Act 1974) -- Statement of potential heritageimpact -- Results and recommendations -- Results -- Recommendations -- Statement of heritage impact -- Penrith City Council histories -- Heritage listings SHR -- Heritage listings SHI -- Heritage listings SHI -- Sample directory listings for St Mary's (1875 -1926) -- Photographic list for bore testing.
Dewey class:
LocationCollectionCall numberStatus/Desc
ResearchLocal Book994.41 STMNot for loan (Set: 17 May 2020)
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