Independent inquiry into the Hawkesbury Nepean River system : Final Report
Healthy Rivers Commission of New South Wales1998
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This inquiry has revealed that the way we manage sewage, stormwater, extractive industry, agricultural production an so on must all change if river health is to be protected and/or enhanced. Presents the public views to the Government.
Independent inquiry into the Hawkesbury Nepean River system : Final Report / by the Healthy Rivers Commission of New South Wales
Sydney NSW Healthy Rivers Commission of NSW August 1998
214 pages with appendices
Summary of recommendations and implementation responsibilities - The basis for the Commission's recommendations - Implementation aspects of this inquiry - Implementation of individual recommendations - Implementation of the overall strategy for a healthier Hawkesbury Nepean - Recommendations for implementation of overall strategy for a healthier Hawkesbury Nepean - NSW water reforms - The healthy Rivers Commission inquiry into the Hawkesbury Nepean River system - Present health of the river - Key issues and recommendations - River health and specific development proposals - Principles guiding the Healthy Rivers Commission - Evidence from the inquiry (the community view) - Key issues - Institutional issues - Local government and river health - Water quality and river health - Flows and river health - Response to comments on the draft report and further analysis relating to key river flow recommendations - Riverine corridors and river health - Urban stormwater and river health - Sewage and river health - Extractive industries and river health - Aquatic weeds and river health - Agriculture and river health - Boating and river health
333.9162 994.9333333.9162
Healthy Rivers Commission (NSW)Regional planning -- Hawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.)Water quality -- Hawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.)Industries -- Hawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.) -- Health aspectsSewage disposal -- Hawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.) -- Health aspectsHawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.) -- PollutionHawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.) -- Environmental aspectsHawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.) -- Health aspectsHawkesbury-Nepean River Valley (N.S.W.) -- Recreational use -- Health aspects
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Penrith | Reference | 994.9333 IND | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |
Research | Local Book | 333.9162 HAW | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |