Penrith City Council Community Directory
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This website provides a link to information within the online Penrith City Council Community Directory. It replaces information formerly included in the Penrith City Council recreation guides, the community services directory, and disability guides.
Data Diction Proprietary Limited 2007
Internet www text
The website enables users to search for information within the Penrith City Council Community Directory online. Users can browse the following categories or topics: - Accommodation - Animal services - Arts and culture - Communication - Community Organisation - Conservation and environment - Education - Emergency services - Government - Health - Income and employment - Law and justice - Philosophies - Practical support services - Public safety - Sport and leisure - Transport - Utilities - Volunteering. These general subject headings are also divided into further sub-headings via links to the same. Users are also able to search via a town and suburb field or via a general keyword search to match against records in the database. Includes information on the University of the Third Age (U3A)
068.94 PEN
Services for physically disabled -- PENRITH (NSW)Sports -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- DirectoriesRecreation -- Penrith region (NSW) -- DirectoriesServices for disabled -- Penrith region (NSW) -- DirectoriesAssociations -- Australia -- DirectoriesAssociations -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- DirectoriesArts -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- AssociationsHobbies -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- AssociationsSports -- Penrith Region (NSW) -- AssociationsCommunity health care services -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- DirectoriesAssociations -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- DirectoriesCommunity services -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- DirectoriesServices for women -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- DirectoriesServices for children -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- DirectoriesServices for families -- Penrith local government area (N.S.W.) -- DirectoriesServices for disabled -- Penrith region (NSW)Penrith (N.S.W.). Council -- Recreation and cultural services
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Online | Online Resource | 068.94 PEN | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |