Water : Wet or Dry? The Proceedings of the Water and Wetlands Management Conference, 20-21 November 1998, St Leonards NSW
Nature Conservation Council of N.S.W.UUUU
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Speakers from different backgrounds and perspectives share their concerns on a range of environmental and management issues relating to the sustainability and health of New South Wales' rivers, wetlands and groundwater
Water : Wet or Dry? The Proceedings of the Water and Wetlands Management Conference, 20-21 November 1998, St Leonards NSW / by Nature Conservation Council of NSW Inc.
Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales 1999
197 pages
NSW Water Reform: The New Era - Social and Cultural Aspects of the Reforms - Wetlands and Ramsar - Whose Water Is It Anyway? - Management and Monitoring Issues - Sustainable Use of Groundwater - Challenges for a New Millennium