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PM+ : The broken flower pot

Smith, Annette2000
Books, Manuscripts
Level Two reader suitable for 6 to 8 years who are beginning to read alone. Longer sentences and increased vocabulary. Illustrations give clues to help readers anticipate what the words say. Two or more sentences per page.
Main title:
PM+ : The broken flower pot / by Annette Smith ; illustrations by Meredith Thomas.
Southbank Vic : Nelson Australia, 2000.
16 pages : colour illustrations ; 15 x 20 cm.
Series title:
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DECODABLE BOOK AND A LEVELED BOOK e.g. PM Readers. Both types of books improve fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. At some point both types should be a part of a reader’s personal library. While a decodable book focuses on one phonic/spelling pattern, leveled books or Graded Readers similar to the PM Readers, combine many phonetic patterns, sight words, and vocabulary. As the word knowledge, vocabulary, and sentence structure increase in difficulty, the level of the book increases. Depending on the difficulty of these components, publishers “level” the text accordingly.
Lower primary
0170096718 (paperback)
LocationCollectionCall numberStatus/Desc
PenrithJunior Fiction - Graded ReadersPMPLUS BLUEOnloan - Due: 10 Dec 2020
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