St Marys, Colyton, Oxley Park social map
Penrith (N.S.W.). Council1995
Books, Manuscripts
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Street map of the area bounded by the railway line, Melbourne Street/Roper Road, Great Western Freeway (M4) and South Creek/Werrington Road. Accompanied by tables showing population and social data and a list of local services.
Main title:
Penrith NSW Penrith City Council circa 1995
1 map 118 cm x 83.5cm no scale
Series title:
Accompanying reports at 361.9944 STM
List of services - Total population - Birthplace - Language spoken at home - Family type by labour force - Family type - Annual individual income - Age - Aboriginality - Proficiency in English - Marital status - Living arrangements - Council operated halls - St Marys railway station - Great Western Highway - Great Western Freeway (M4) - Mamre Road - Queen Street - South Creek - The Kingsway playing fields - Bennet Road - Monfarville Park - Cook Park - South Creek Park - Blair athletic field - St Marys High School - Swimming pool - Oxley Park Public School - Colyton High School - Ridge Park - Cemetery - St Marys Public School - Fire Station - Wilson Oval - Potter field - Bennett Primary School - Mount Druitt Park - Mount Druitt Public School - Ropes Creek - Werrington railway station - Civic Centre - St Marys South Public School - Poplar Park
Dewey class:
St Marys (N.S.W.) -- Road mapsSocial planning -- Colyton (NSW)Social planning -- Oxley ParkCentral Business Districts -- St Marys (N.S.W.) -- MapsSt Marys (N.S.W.) -- MapsSt Marys (N.S.W.) -- Population -- StatisticsOxley Park (NSW) -- Population -- StatisticsColyton (NSW) -- Population -- StatisticsColyton (NSW) -- MapsOxley Park (NSW) -- Maps