The revolution was televised : from Buffy to Breaking Bad: the people and the shows that changed TV drama forever
Sepinwall, Alan2013
Books, Manuscripts
TV critic Alan Sepinwall chronicles the remarkable transformation of the small screen over the past fifteen years. Focusing on twelve innovative television dramas that changed the medium and the culture at large forever.
Main title:
Collingwood Black Inc. 2013
388 pages
First published in the US as The revolution was televised: the cops, crooks, slingers, and slayers who changed TV drama forever by Touchstone/Simon & Schuster.
Prologue: Let's be acreful out there... the shows that paved the way -- 1. What we were don't matter... Oz blazes a trail -- 2. All due respect... The Sopranos changes everything -- 3. All the pieces matter... The Wire as the great American novel for television -- 4. A lie agreed upon... the profane poetry of Deadwood -- 5. I'm a different kind of cop... The Shield takes anti-heroism to the limit -- 6. Do you want to know a secret?... the perfect storm of Lost -- 7. She saved the world. A lot... Buffy the Vampire Slayer gives teen angst some fangs -- 8. Tell me where the bomb is!... 24 goes to war on terror, boredom -- 9. So say we all... the thinking man's sci-fi of Batllestar Galactica -- 10. Clear eyes, full hearts... Friday Night Lights goes deep -- 11. It's a time machine... AMC gets into the game with Mad Men -- 12. I am the one who knocks!... Breaking Bad gives the recession the villain it deserves -- Epilogue: Don't stop believing... the last legacy of the revolution -- Where are they now?
9781863956109 (paperback)
Dewey class:
791.4575 REV
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Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Penrith | Nonfiction | 791.4575 REV | pbkAvailable |