Sporting - The Rifle
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Results of a match involving Penrith Civilian Rifle Club, who journeyed to Botany to challenge the Alexandria Civilian Rifle Club. It being found out the local team would be short, Dr Pym (who now resides at Marrickville), and ex-president of the club, drove out to Botany to shoot for Penrith, who made a name for themselves in winning by 117 points. Further details.
Nepean Times 9 September 1899 page 3
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 9 September 1899, page 3
Rifle Clubs - R Lennox - F W Earp - J Purcell - H Neale - H J Coombs - O Stanton - C Ezzy - A Hollier
Nepean Times (Microfilm)