A second act : what nearly dying teaches us about really living
Morgan, Matt (Matthew Philip)2025
Books, Manuscripts
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Dr Matt Morgan has met hundreds of people who've come back from the dead. Their hearts stopped, their bodies unresponsive, rescued from the brink of death by the modern intensive care techniques he specialises in. People like Ed, who was walking through a park when there was a bang, a bright light and then nothing. Ed had been hit by a bolt of lightning - 300 million volts, enough to power a city for a day, coursed through his body, short-circuiting his heart. Ed was given life-saving CPR and he survived. He lives a little differently now, every day knowing the thin margins that separate life and death. In A Second Act, Morgan introduces us to patients who've experienced hypothermia, overdoses, heart attacks and transplants to see how their lives have been transformed by the second chance they've been given. He shares the lessons they've learned, along with his own realisations about life and how to make the most of it. Life shouldn't be wasted on the living.
Main title:
A second act : what nearly dying teaches us about really living / by Matt Morgan.
London : Simon & Schuster, 2025.
261 pages ; 24 cm.
9781398544499 (paperback)
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Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Penrith | Nonfiction | 155.937 SEC | Onloan - Due: 30 Mar 2025 |