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eResources Journals and Newspapers


Patrons can access the BorrowBox ePress collection of over 1200 magazine titles as well as over 250 top newspaper titles. The magazines and newspapers have unlimited simultaneous use. Magazines available include popular Australian titles for adults and children, as well as international publications. The subjects include business & finance, celebrity, cooking & food, entertainment, home & garden, news & politics. The newspaper titles include Australian and international publications.

Start exploring now using your Library Membership.  

Newspapers and JournalseResources Newspapers and Journals


Koori Mail

A national fortnightly newspaper published in Lismore, NSW, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from May 1991 onwards.

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Patrons can access over 4,000 magazine titles on Libby. The magazines have unlimited simultaneous use. Titles include popular Australian and overseas magazines. The subjects include business and finance, celebrity, cooking and food, entertainment, home and garden, and news and politics.

Start exploring now using your Library Membership.  

Newspapers and JournalseResources Newspapers and Journals


Newsbank Newspapers: Australia and the World

Access a range of international newspaper titles and most of the major Australian daily newspapers, including a selection of both metropolitan and regional titles.

Start exploring now using your Library Membership.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Plus

Provides access to the largest collection of full text articles from Australian leading regional and international periodicals, journals and newspapers. The database includes a visual search with a large range of images and video clips.

Start exploring now using your Library Membership.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


Gale OneFile: News

Access major newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields. Includes Australian News Limited and Fairfax newspapers.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


Gale OneFile: Australia and New Zealand

Access comprehensive periodical and newspaper content with a focus on Australia and New Zealand .

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


Gale General OneFile

Provides millions of articles from thousands of general interest magazines and periodicals. Find information quickly for general research topics from careers to education and technology.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


The Sydney Morning Herald - 1842-1954

Provides access to the electronic digital archive for The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, for the period 1 August 1842 to 31 December 1954. Made available through the National Library of Australia gateway
called Trove.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


The Sydney Morning Herald - 1955-1995

The Sydney Morning Herald archives contains 820,000 pages in almost 13,000 issues from January 1955 to February 1995. Contents are fully text searchable and reflect the full context and layout of each page as it was originally published.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


The Sydney Morning Herald - 2006 - Current

Access every edition of the Sydney Morning Herald from 2006 to the current day in this unique online archive resource! Use this extensive digital archive to look back at the monumental events that have shaped our lives over the last decade to the current, as they were reported that day.

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