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eResources Literature and Reading

AusLit: the resource for Australian Literature

Access reliable material on Australian literature and storytelling. 

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


Bloom's Literature

Have an English assignment? Studying Gothic literature? Learn strategies for writing English essays, read about the fascinating lives of world-famous writers, and study the most influential works of world literature.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Era Books Online

Access a contemporary world of books, games and activities for children to improve their reading, writing and comprehension skills. 

Library membership required. 

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Gale Literature: Books and Authors

Answer the age-old question, “What do I read next?”. 
Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Gale Literature: Literature Resource Centre

Offers a wide range of authors and their works, including a large collection of full-text critical and literary analysis. 

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Good Reading For Kids

A digital magazine for primary school aged kids from years 3 to 6. Good Reading For Kids encourages students to submit their creative works & then experience the thrill of being published.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Good Reading: the hub for book lovers

Australian monthly magazine website dedicated to books and reading. It provides a place for book lovers to find useful information such as first chapters, reading group notes or book events and a place for readers to exchange thoughts and ideas.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Good Reading Young Adults

Designed for teenagers and young adults, Good Reading Young Adults provides a fun and interactive place where you can express your ideas and thoughts and to share your creativity in words, art, film or music.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research


LOTE4Kids provides children with the opportunity to read and speak different languages with these fantastic eBooks. Access over 2000+ books in more than 60 languages, including sign language.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Magpies Online: The Source Magazine

The Source is an online subject guide to children's literature: books, short stories, traditional literature and poetry from around the world with an emphasis on Australian and New Zealand literature.

Access to this resource is only available at the library.

eResources for Students

NoveList Plus

Find your next great read with NoveList Plus! This resource provides great reading recommendations and describes thousands of titles which are extensively tagged by experts, making searches easy and resulting in the best reading suggestions available. Library membership required.

Start exploring now using your Library Membership.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

Storybox Hub

StoryBox Hub provides a vibrant, interactive experience via an online 'Reading Room' where children can connect, engage and be inspired when they watch a range of celebrated stories read aloud by wonderfully engaging storytellers.

Library membership required.

eResources for StudentseResources General Reference and Research

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