Swap and smell the roses
Booth, Karen (Karen B.)2025
Books, Manuscripts
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When Willow Moore’s lifelong dream of music stardom goes bust, she’s burned out enough to need drastic change. As in, she’s trading her Brooklyn apartment for two months in the Connecticut countryside. Soon she’s baking bread, spending Saturdays at the farmer’s market, and stopping to smell the roses, but some things in her new #cottagecore life aren’t so pleasant. Like her landlord, former chef Reid Harrell. As grouchy and reserved as Willow is chatty and outgoing, Reid is an annoyingly sexy ‘keep out’ sign. If only Willow was good at staying away. Something about Reid, a sliver of pain poking through that flinty façade, makes her wonder if they’re more alike than she thought. Reid once chased success too, and found it at a price. Now all he wants is to be left alone to garden, but Willow’s not giving up so quick, especially when one of their heated arguments sparks an idea for a song. Her renewed creativity awakens them both, hurling them into a passionate vortex neither expects. As the summer winds down, Willow is forced to confront her needs, wants, and desires, not to mention Reid, the hardest puzzle of all to figure out. Maybe it’s time for the city girl to stop dwelling on dreams dashed and start following her heart no matter where it might take her...
Main title:
Swap and smell the roses / by Karen Booth.
Sydney, N.S.W. : Afterglow Books, 2025.©2024.
283 pages ; 20 cm.
Series title:
Swap ; n1.
9781038939777 (paperback)
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