Pro bono Australia
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Official website for Pro Bono Australia who's aim is to facilitate and increase the level of Philanthropy in Australia and to give Not for Profit organisations the resources they need to run effectively.
Main title:
Camberwell Victoria Pro Bono Australia 2007-
Internet www text
This site provides a link to the web version of the Directory of Not for Profit organisations - which is a listing of charitable organisations seeking funding. Listings are linked to further information about organisations, such as contact details, mission statements, projects in progress and also hyperlinks to their own site if they have one. The directory listings are arranged in a broad range of categories to cover the areas that Not for Profit organisations work within. These include organisations currently listed to cover the following areas - Aboriginal - Aged - Animals and Birds - Arts and Culture - Asthma - Respiratory - Blindness - Deafness - Boys - Girls - Cancer - Children - Conservation and Environment - Depression - Diabetes - Disabilities - Drug and Alcohol - Carers - Education and Training - General - Education and Training - Institutions - Families - Foundations - Gay and Lesbian Groups - Health - General - Health - Hospitals and Medical Centres - Heart Disease - History and Heritage - HIV and AIDS - Homeless - Humanitarian - Independent Schools - Law and Justice - Libraries - Men - Mental Health - Multicultural - Museums - Overseas Aid and Development - Religion and Religious Groups - Research - General - Research - Medical - Safety, Rescue and First Aid - Science and Technology - Self Help - Sport and Recreation - Veterans - Ex-servicemen and women - Volunteer Resource Centres - Welfare - Women - Youth. Donors coming to the site are able to select a charity by category of interest such as Cancer, Children, Welfare etc and find out more about them before donating to or contacting them - An e-News Service which provides free bulletins containing items of interest for the Not for Profit and Corporate Community sectors is also included. The library of back issue articles is an ever-growing resource of information for and about the sector - A listing and search facility for Jobs in the sector where you can find a job or advertise a job on the site is provided as well as - The WOW Guide - which offers a listing of product and service suppliers to the Not for Profit sector. These can be free, partially funded or fully paid products or services. Companies can pay to be listed in the Guide - A listing of events occurring in the sector and - Information about organisations in partnership with Pro Bono Australia plus - A list of other resources and links to sites which may be useful for Australian Not for Profit organisations are also viewable.
Dewey class:
361.763 PRO
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Electronic access:
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Online | Online Resource | 361.763 PRO | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |