Penrith Community Profile : 2018 : statistics on the communities across Penrith City
Penrith (N.S.W.). Council
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Access to the online version of the Penrith Community Profile 2018, which provides statistics on the communities across Penrith City compiled by Penrith City Council NSW.
Main title:
Penrith Community Profile : 2018 : statistics on the communities across Penrith City / by Penrith City Council NSW.
Penrith, NSW : Penrith City Council NSW, 2018.
Internet www text, images
Mode of access : World Wide Web
This title is a ‘one-stop’ source of demographic, social, health and sustainability data specifically related to the City of Penrith and its suburbs. Information contained in the Community Profile about Penrith City includes: Current demographic information, trends and future forecasts (ABS Census 2016) Learning and educational outcomes (ABS Census 2016) Housing, including tenure type, dwelling structures, housing stress and homelessness (ABS Census 2016, Housing NSW, GSC) Childhood wellbeing statistics (Australian Early Development Census 2015, DET) Employment, including industries of employment, travel to work data and unemployment (National Institute of Economic and Industry Research 2016, ABS Census 2016) Health outcomes for the general population and for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups within the community (Social Health Atlas) Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) (ABS Census 2016) Social sustainability indicators (PCC Community Plan Data, NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Department of Social Security) Environmental sustainability indicators (Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW Department of Primary Industry)
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Electronic access:
Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Online | Online Resource | 319.441 PEN | Available |