Safe Work NSW : the internet gateway to occupational health and safety sites
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An edited directory of sites that relate to occupational health and safety and industrial hygiene.This online database acts as an internet gateway and exists as a starting point for those searching for current safety information.
NSW NSW Government Publications 2007
html hyperlinks source citations
Through the regional link relevant information can be accessed from Australian occupational health and safety, OHS, sites and related government agency sites such as the - Australian Safety and Compensation Council - Mining and Quarrying Occupational Health and Safety Committee - NT Worksafe - WorkCover Authority of NSW - Queensland Department of Employment and Industrial Relations - WorkCover Queensland - Workplace Standards Tasmania - WorkCover Tasmania - WorkSafe Victoria - Victorian WorkCover Authority - Workcover Corporation South Australia - WorkSafe Western Australia - SafetyLine - and professional organizations such as the - Safety Institute of Australia - the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists - Educational links are provided to Australian University and College Safety Offices and OHS educational programs - in addition to links to Australian safety product suppliers and - Australian safety consultants contacts. There is also a link to access current Australian safety news via Australia's leading OHS magazine NSCA's Australian Safety, which provides recent articles and news stories on OHS and links to safety sites in Australia and around the world.The site covers wide ranging topics such as - Industry specific information - Safety publications worlwide - Safety training - Information on illness and injury - Information on hazardous substances - Safety organizations and associations and safety software and general safety topics such as biosafety - ergonomics - electrical safety - emergency preparedness - heat stress - indoor air quality - industrial hygiene - laser safety - lockout / tagout - radiation safety - safety management - working alone - working at height. Safety product information on protective clothing - eye and face protection - ergonomics - fall protection - fire protection - first aid - gas detectors - head protection - hearing protection - monitoring and sampling - respiratory protection - safety footware - safety gloves - safety lighting and flashlights - safety signs and tags - and spill clean-up. Illness and injury information on topics such as - dermatitis - hand arm vibration syndrome - latex allergy - lyme disease - mesothelioma - needlestick injury - occupational asthma - and repetititve strain injury. Information on hazardous substances such as - arsenic - asbestos - benzene - abenzo(a)pyrene - beryllium - cadmium - carbon monoxide - chloroform - ethylene oxide - formaldehyde - glutaraldehyde - hexachlorobutadiene - hexavalent chromium - hydrogen sulfide - isocyanates - lead - mercury - methylene chloride - PAHs - PCBs - perchloroethylene - pesticides - radon - syrene - toluene - 1,1,1 trichloroethane - trichloroethylene - and vinyl chloride. Information on safety software is also included.
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363.11 SAF
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Location | Collection | Call number | Status/Desc |
Online | Online Resource | 363.11 SAF | Not for loan (Set: 10 Feb 2016) |