Western Sydney Aerotropolis discussion paper on the proposed state environmental planning policy
New South Wales. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
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This Planning Partnership provides co-ordinated state and local government framework for outcomes for Western Sydney planning.This Discussion Paper has been prepared under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to provide an explanation of the intended effect of the proposed SEPP. The proposed SEPP will provide the primary development controls for the Aerotropolis, zoning land for urban, environmental, recreational and infrustructure purposed, establishing appropriate developmental controls, permitting land uses nex to to an airport, and requiring the protection of native vegetation and natural areas.
Western Sydney Aerotropolis discussion paper on the proposed state environmental planning policy / NSW. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Parramatta : NSW. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, December 2019.
37 pages : maps, tables appendices.
See also Western Sydney Aerotropolis : summary of key planning documents (draft ). See also Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2019 - phase 1.
Introduction -- Proposed State Environmental Planning policy -- Proposed land use controls -- Precinct specific controls -- Proposed maps -- Relationship of the proposed SEPP to relevant statutory provisions, environmental planning instruments and strategic planning documents -- Amendments to other environmental planning instruments -- Planning pathways.
Urban development -- Wianamatta-South CreekAirports -- New South Wales -- Western Sydney -- PlanningBiodiversity -- Western Sydney Region (N.S.W.)Environmental heritage -- Western Sydney Region (N.S.W.)Western Sydney Airport (NSW) -- Environmental aspectsWestern Sydney City DealBadgerys Creek Airport (NSW)
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Research | Local Book | 354.7909 WES | Not for loan (Set: 15 May 2020) |