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Collection: Junior Fiction - Graded Readers

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List view record 1781: The tub of bugs ; and, Big Fin and fat BenList view anchor tag for record 1781: The tub of bugs ; and, Big Fin and fat Ben
Thumbnail for The tub of bugs ; and, Big Fin and fat Ben

The tub of bugs ; and, Big Fin and fat Ben

McMullen, Gemma2020BookLife Decodable readers. Level 1, PinkBookLife readersBook Life readers
Books, Manuscripts
Level One reader suitable for ages 4 to 6 years. Many words are repeated throughout the story, with new words kept to a minimum. The illustrations give clues to help readers anticipate what the words say. Level 1 - Phase 2. 1b.
List view record 1782: Tully the wolf : Phonis focus - / er / ir ; ear er ur ; short / oo / o ooList view anchor tag for record 1782: Tully the wolf : Phonis focus - / er / ir ; ear er ur ; short / oo / o oo
List view record 1783: Tully the wolf's pies : Phonic focus - long / i / i ; i-e ; ieList view anchor tag for record 1783: Tully the wolf's pies : Phonic focus - long / i / i ; i-e ; ie
List view record 1784: The twinsList view anchor tag for record 1784: The twins
Thumbnail for The twins

The twins

O'Carroll, Jeremy2019Fitzroy readersFitzroy readers. Crimson ; n26x.
Books, Manuscripts
LEVEL TWO reader suitable for 6 to 8 years who are beginning to read alone. Longer sentences and increased vocabulary. Two or more sentences per page. New sound: 'tch' as in catch -- Special words: tiny, school, two, watch - Some longer words: hospital, yesterday, distracted.
[2 copies, 1 available]
List view record 1785: Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition?List view anchor tag for record 1785: Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition?
Thumbnail for Under, over, by the clover : what is a preposition?
List view record 1786: Unusual spidersList view anchor tag for record 1786: Unusual spiders
Thumbnail for Unusual spiders

Unusual spiders

Jensen, NedUUUULevel 23 GreyReading Bug Book
Books, Manuscripts
LEVEL THREE reader suitable for 7 to 9 years who can read alone or are proficient readers. Increased vocabulary, comple, challenging sentence structure. Three or more sentences per page.
List view record 1787: Up closeList view anchor tag for record 1787: Up close
Thumbnail for Up close

Up close

Parkes, Brenda2000Inquizitive
Books, Manuscripts
Level One reader suitable for ages 4 to 6 years. Many words are repeated throughout the story, with new words kept to a minimum. The illustrations give clues to help readers anticipate what the words say. One or two sentences per page.
[1 copy, 1 available]
List view record 1788: The very best castleList view anchor tag for record 1788: The very best castle
Thumbnail for The very best castle

The very best castle

Thompson, Lisa, 1969-2009n17Storylands. Clinker Castle - Level 9
Books, Manuscripts
LEVEL ONE reader for ages 4 to 6 years. Many words are repeated throughout the story, with new words kept to a minimum. Word count 141. High frequency words and phrases are a, about, at, came, come, from, had, have, he, I, is, my, just.
List view record 1789: A very fine creatureList view anchor tag for record 1789: A very fine creature
Thumbnail for A very fine creature

A very fine creature

Thompson, Lisa, 1969-2009n8Storylands. Fantastic forest - Level 4
Books, Manuscripts
LEVEL ONE reader for ages 4 to 6 years. Many words are repeated throughout the story, with new words kept to a minimum. Word count 110.
List view record 1790: A very good ideaList view anchor tag for record 1790: A very good idea
Thumbnail for A very good idea

A very good idea

Francis, Bill2005Springboard. Level 3
Books, Manuscripts
Level Three reader suitable for 7 to 9 years who can read alone or are proficient readers. Increased vocabulary, complex, challenging sentence structure. Three or more sentences per page. Word count 442.
List view record 1784: The twins

The twins

O'Carroll, Jeremy2019Fitzroy readersFitzroy readers. Crimson ; n26x.
[2 copies, 1 available]
List view record 1786: Unusual spiders

Unusual spiders

Jensen, NedUUUULevel 23 GreyReading Bug Book
List view record 1787: Up close

Up close

Parkes, Brenda2000Inquizitive
[1 copy, 1 available]
List view record 1788: The very best castle

The very best castle

Thompson, Lisa, 1969-2009n17Storylands. Clinker Castle ...
List view record 1789: A very fine creature

A very fine creature

Thompson, Lisa, 1969-2009n8Storylands. Fantastic fores...
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