Regional impact of the greenhouse effect on New South Wales : Final report
CSIRO (Australia). Division of Atmospheric Research. Climate Impact Group1995
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The final report on research undertaken for the Government of New South Wales under the 1989-94 Bilateral Climate Change Research Agreement.
Regional impact of the greenhouse effect on New South Wales : Final report / by Climate Impact Group, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, K.J. Hennessy, P.N. Holper and A.B. Pittock
Chatswood Environment Protection Authority October 1995
97 pages maps
Regional climate change -- Climatic impacts -- National and international developments -- Regional climate change scenarios for Australia -- International context -- Greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations -- Sulfate aerosol effects -- Diurnal temperature range -- Terrestrial ecosystems -- Agriculture and forestry -- Pets, diseases and health -- Climate change and world food supply -- Floods, droughts, El Nino and tropical cyclones -- Sea-level rise -- Observational evidence and detectability
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