NSW Greenhouse plan
New South Wales. Greenhouse Office2005
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Sets out how NSW will begin to meet emission reduction targets by raising community awareness, introducing climate change adaptation measures and setting our State on the path to sustainable development.
NSW Greenhouse plan / by New South Wales Greenhouse Office
Sydney New South Wales Greenhouse Office November 2005
60 p colour illustrations
The global context - Our climate is changing - The international and national response - Long-term goals - NSW emissions - Overview of NSW emissions - Emission trends - Prioritising sectors for action - Technologies and opportunities for low cost emission reductions - NSW action to date - A strategic approach to combating climate change in NSW - The plan - Harnessing the power of markets to reduce emissions - Awareness raising - Adapting to climate change - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
551.6 GRE
Greenhouse gas mitigation -- New South Wales -- NSW Greenhouse PlanGreenhouse gases -- ControlGreenhouse gas mitigation -- New South WalesGreenhouse effect, Atmospheric -- PreventionGreenhouse effect, Atmospheric -- New South Wales -- Government policyGreenhouse effect, Atmospheric -- Australia -- New South Wales