Headstone of Thomas Gow, Ann Gow, Edith Olive Towle, Ethel Gow and Cecil Gow
Tropman, LesterFebruary 1986
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Thomas Gow died on 20 February 1897 aged 65 years. Ann Gow died on 19 November 1908 aged 76 years. She was the wife of Thomas Gow. Edith Olive Towle died on 27 September 1898 aged 3 years. Ethel Gow died on 21 August 1902 aged 2 days. Cecil Gow died on 28 December 1903 aged 11 years. They were the grandchildren of Thomas and Ann Gow. It is a black marble and granite headstone. There is a sandstone surround. Plot number M15.
Headstone of Thomas Gow, Ann Gow, Edith Olive Towle, Ethel Gow and Cecil Gow
February 1986
01 Jan 1986 - 31 Dec 1986
Item from Collection: Photographs
UnrestrictedAvailable on request in the Research Room.
Copyright held by Penrith City LibraryReproductions may be obtained on request. Charges apply.
Refer to Lester Tropman's St Stephen's Cemetery Inventory report in the Local Studies Collection for the layouts showing the exact location of this grave.
Graphic records - Photographs