Bridge over Morse's Creek, Bright
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Bridge over Morse's Creek, Morse's Creek is a perennial stream of the North-East Murray catchment of the Murray-Darling basin, is located in Bright the alpine region of Victoria
Bridge over Morse's Creek, Bright
01 Jan 1900 - 31 Dec 1910
Item from Collection: Photographs
Series: Joyce Cole Collection
Acknowledge_Penrith_City _Library
JC330 : This postcard is sent to Elva no address on the backMessage reads : Dear Elva .... Just a line from Victoria from the place on the other side a lovely little alpine village situated in the mt. Its a lovely peaceful spot and me have been here since Friday & we are reluctant to leave but not just soon. So far the weather has been glorious & the countryside looks so lovely & we are very grateful. It is so nice travelling around - one meet people from all states, coming & going in caravans etc. Hope all are well, dear, we are. Lots of love from Martha
Graphic records - Postcards