Sincere Birthday Wishes
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Floral Birthday wish postcard
Sincere Birthday Wishes
01 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1914
Item from Collection: Photographs
Series: Joyce Cole Collection
Acknowledge_Penrith_City _Library
JC351 : : This post card sent to Elva at PenrithMessage reads : Write soon - Belgrave St - Dear Elva, thanks very much for pretty Birthday Post Card you sent to me. I must return same good wishes to you & may you have a Happy Birthday the same as I have had. My presents are a Ruby Band ring. a very pretty bead belt, & Silver Buckle. the making of two blouses & pair of ornaments. besides p.Cards so I think I did very well. We had Empire Day on Monday at Sandringham. We has a real good time Mrs Colless was down there she told me she had just came back from Penrith. Well dear Elva I hope you are all keeping well. we are all tip top down here. With best Love from you sincere friend xxxx May
Graphic records - Postcards