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Penrith Municipal Council - Revision Court Meeting - Minutes of Meeting January 1883

Special Meeting for the purpose of revising the Penrith Municipal list. Present - Mayor and Ald Paskin, Besley, Cross, Smith, John Price, Paskin and Stuart. Mr John Squires was duly sworn as objector to persons whose names appeared on the former list. The applications for insertion on the list were considered in the following order, and accepted with but few exceptions. Two columns of owners, occupiers, and lessees throughout Penrith Municipality is included in this report. Objection was made to William Lovett's application as an owner of land in High Street, as his land is off High Street rather than on it. Objection made to L Merrigan's, application as an occupier of a house in High Street as he was a sub-tenant of another tenant. Sustained. Objection to John Roach's application as an occupier in Belmore Street was sustained. Sullivan and Lovett's application as joint lesse's of land at Garswood was considered informal and not accepted. Council rose at 11 p.m.
Nepean Times 27 January 1883 page 2
Nepean Times (microfilm) Nepean Times, 27 January 1883, page 2
Penrith Municipal Council Revision Court - Land Owners - Lessees - High Street Penrith - Henry Street Penrith - Woodriffe Street - Kingswood - Riley Street - Commercial Street - Castlereagh - Regentville - North Street - Belmore Street - Jane Street - Mulgoa Road - Garswood - Mt Pleasant - Lemongrove - Bringelly Road - Wilson's Lane - Creek Hill
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Nepean Times (Microfilm)
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